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we wound up having alameida intercourse," (emphasis mine). (2) They've never talked about it since, and he doesn't want to confront her about it because "my mother and I have a good relationship now and I don't want to destroy it." I don't think it's too wild a guess alameida to say that this guy has never even blamed his mother for what happened (let alone forgiven her), that he thinks it would be unkind to bring it up with her, and at the same time that he's scared that this surely unstable alameida and unreliable nutcase would abandon or otherwise hurt him if he brought it up. Sure, he doesn't have to confront her just because his therapist says so-he doesn't have to do anything-and if that's all you're saying, then I agree. And maybe actually talking to his mother wouldn't really solve anything. But I think the real point (and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the main thing the therapist was really saying) is that he has to confront the issue and stop protecting his mother.