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Schools ST BENEDICT CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL Cambridge, Canada Graduated: 2002 Student status: Alumni rss heavy metal Degree: High School Diploma 1997 to 2002 You'll pick my name - I assure you! is in your extended network You'll pick my name - I assure you!'s Latest Blog Entry [Subscribe to this Blog] [View rss heavy metal All Blog Entries] You'll pick my name - I assure you!'s Blurbs About me: The latest..... As of March 3/06.... Nothing too rss heavy metal exciting, Great New Years in Montreal, many good nights with some fellow friends from UK/Ireland in Toronto, Went to 2 Toronto Maple Leaf games - great seats and they lost both times :-(.... For Easter i won't be around... My apologies but I am going on an all expenses paid trip to South Beach Miami - Vice City mang!!! Work's great - promotion soon :-P, school is finally over - Until then - Lye - Crowbar 9pm Saturday 4th, Bunchofuckingoofs - March 19th Sunday Kathedral, Flatliners March 29th Opera House, Rob Zombie, Bullet For My Valentine - April 4th, Kool Haus - ANy Scalpers out there?????,