I need something. These confession 1979 in sports

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I need something. These people 1979 in sports are tripping today. Thank you boo. Patient: My ID number. Well, shit where do I find that? Me: It's on your card emblazoned under the big black letters "I" and "D" or if you know your social security 1979 in sports number, I can use that. (Call me an asshole, but I thought it was so fun to use big crazy words on people, effortlessly making fun of them without them noticing. In 1979 in sports Cubicle World, you have to get creative so that you don't shoot yourself or others around you). Patient: Emblaz-who? Oh right, right here. My number is 780 E 4739. Me: There shouldn't be any letters in the number sir. It should be a 9-digit number that interestingly enough looks exactly like your social.
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