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Let’s hope it doesn’t becoolwithbuck interfere with George and Condi’s declared plans to circumvent US laws in order to keep funding the terrorists. It’s a signal, say analysts, that the Palestinian leadership appears willing to forgo much of the funding it has been receiving from Western nations. Wrong again. becoolwithbuck It’s a signal that Hamas have clearly reached the conclusion, based on the Western governments’ open declarations of dhimmitude in the face of anti-Semitic terrorism over the last weeks, that there are going to be no financial becoolwithbuck consequences whatsoever, no matter what they do to wipe out Israel. And they’re right. Nobody in the West cares, as long as they’re “only” killing Jooos. “The international community has to respect the choice of the Palestinian people,” says Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Mubarek, a newly elected Hamas legislator from Ramallah.