moroccian, russell means, howard fong, steve, everett quinton, television, dr. jennifer melfi, dialogue, woody harrelson, denis leary, nona gaye, libya, omani, stacey, party,
I thought the next step would be to wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me) create a drumbeat that was totally off-beat, but RAP IN SYNCH with it. ho ho ho. The guitar noises were created by making the strings totally slack. wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me) Written in 2000. Which explains but does not excuse the dated references to wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me) RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE. but whatever, i still hate that fucking band. Your rap-metal imitations are comical You're almost as funny as reruns of Luann in the SF Chronicle Why you try to hug the testicle of a vegetable? A big snack of Korn Nuts, why don't you swing on John Zorn's nuts? But you can only copy from each're clones With double y chromosomes, I'm thinking maybe you got the same mother Your styles is inbred, how you gonna act black looking like a fuckin' skinhead?