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Wm. S. Burroughs Posts: 778 | From: Pacific NW | Registered: Jun 2005 | IP: Private hermes Member Member # 91 posted March 01, 2006 10:26 PM I don't think that john bridger: the author of the article was truly balanced. He says that the boy was "lulled" into thinking it was safe because of its legality, that john bridger: he was "convincing himself" that he had gained insights. He states that the john bridger: boy's last stated insight was that "us earthly humans are nothing." He then states as fact that the boy then acted on this belief that had been derived from a salvia experience by killing himself. He is stating clearly that the drug led directly to a belief that was acted upon with suicide. Balanced my ass! He has insufficient information to make such a strong connection. He does not know that the boy committed suicide because of this belief.Maybe I was insensitive, but I wrote a letter. It is not to the parents after all.