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Too rowdy for me. Woman #3: 1982 in sports C'mon on, you'll like it. Besides, the bartender is cute. Woman #2: This chick I know fucked him but he is lousy in the sack. The only reason she banged him was because he's good-looking and she gets free drinks. Woman 1982 in sports #1: Too bad the good-looking ones are always dumb and suck. If he's that good-looking I'd fuck him too. Drinks in this fucking city are expensive as hell. Why not? Let's 1982 in sports see what your friend is talking about. --44th & 8th Link To or Email this Post August 08, 2004 Paging Mr. Ding-Dong Woman #1: Is the Mister Softee truck the same as the Ding-Dong Cart back home? Woman #2: I'm not sure it was really called the Ding-Dong Cart or if we just called it the ding-dong cart because of the sound it made. --Union Square Overheard by: Todd Seavey Link To or Email this Post Tourists Tsouris Chick: I get in the cab and in five seconds Billy's got his hands and nose pressed against the glass. And I'm like, stop that!
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