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YOU ARE SOOOO FUCKIN STUPID AND IGNORANT! PPL OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY KNOW MORE ABOUT IT THAN YOU! THATS FUCKIN EMBARESSING! SO MANY REASONS WHY AMERICA SUCKS IT'LL TAKE YEARS FOR ME TO FINISH THIS. THE WORLD all music guide RULES, AMERICA SUCKS. PS: YOU GUYS WERN'T THE FIRST PEOPLE TO DISCOVER DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM, FUCK, ALL OF EUROPE, ANCIENT GREECE, ETC. HAD EARLY FORMS OF DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM, YOU "FREE all music guide COUNTRIES AND GIVE THEM FREEDOM, BULLSHIT! LOOK AT WHAT YOUR "FREEDOM" HAS DONE TO IRAQ! all music guide IT'S MADE IT WORSE NOT BETTER! add your comments speaking of failure.... by nessie • Friday January 27, 2006 at 02:06 AM My name isn't nessie, but that doesn't mean it's not true. add your comments Jingle Jingle by Jingy Jangy • Saturday January 28, 2006 at 11:28 AM I hate to generalize but I meet a lot of Americans on the net and not a single one has been able to tell me where exactly is Canada from their country.