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Allow me to correct it: ghinten@idl.com.au ) ANYONE WHO HATES PERVERTS! reason=I love to sodomize a nice horse every now and then! Anyone got a problem with that?! go screw yourselves you queers! Blow me and one of my horses! Once you go horse you never go back, take my word for it! bichitoflores@hotmail.com ..or... MIribe@celebprods.com Every fucking asshole that reads iranian this... reason=...because iranian you got to be a very lonely cock sucker to spend your time reading this shit. Fuck you all and I would iranian like you to write me to:nc45934b@netc.pt if you would like to have a word with me you dick heads. Walter - nc45934b@netc.pt (ED: surely you mean e_batalha@moldematos.pt?) Brits and their fucking queen reason=You British mother fuckers with a superiority complex can all go to hell. Get a sun tan you white pale faced boring idiots! Your weather sucks too!