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She got a few things at Woolies. We were walking along Anson Street when sin Mum said, "Keep your eyes peeled for fuel vouchers!" "What?" "You know, 2 cents a litre off at the Woolworths petrol station. Help me look." sin If you spend $50 or more at Woolworths, they give you a voucher that entitles you to a teeny tiny petrol discount. My mother and grandmother save them obsessively. When they meet up it's like baseball cards. "I'll trade you three 2 cents a litre off sin for your expired 4 cents a litre. I don't think they really check the dates..." You may recall that these dames love a bargain. So we should not have been mortified when they started pacing the street, plucking stray receipts from the pavement. "Put that down, mother. You don't know where it's been." "The other day I found about half a dozen on the way to the car, some people just toss them away without a care!"
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