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Terminal [pl] Alek Tarkowski's blog. Fluff-free Internet commentary in a language you don't media speak. Idle Type A brother in idleness. Poupou Former MS employee, yet kind to animals. Scrubbles Posters, books, design, bric-a-brac. Smart writing. Embruns [fr] The reason you should have tried harder in high school French class. Kottke He reports, you decide. Things media My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About Milk will shoot out your nose. Dive Into Mark Mark rants so you don't have to. Duck For Cover Marrije reads so you media don't have to. Curious Frog Mike lives in Boston so you don't have to. Overstated A partner in crime. Nobody's Doll tail /var/log/relationships empty's Blurty Entries [entries|friends|calendar] empty [ userinfo | blurty userinfo ] [ calendar | blurty calendar ] uhhhh [22 Aug 2005|12:37pm] I am tired. I decided to do that thing for adam I just didn't know it would take me 3 weeks.