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| 5:15:30 am Dec 29, 2005 PST . ...-_- by ......hateme...... | 5:14:44 am Dec 29, moroccian 2005 PST I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR IDIOTIC PROBLEMS!!!ITS NOT A YRAGITY SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!!!.....And about the title of course your dad is a mother fucker cause you're here aren't you???I moroccian doon't know moroccian about your mom....... Same Here!!! by chippingblacknailpolish | 16:04:12 pm Oct 14, 2005 PST My das like that but i just say o well i got homework and then yeah i come here but on the weekends (And friday) i get it all to myself!!! Same Here!!! by chippingblacknailpolish | 16:03:51 pm Oct 14, 2005 PST My das like that but i just say o well i got homework and then yeah i come here but on the weekends (And friday) i get it all to myself!!! Holy shit same with me!! by x-Canadian-Punk-Rocker-x | 13:16:07 pm Oct 13, 2005 PST My dad was being an asshole and everytime i like fail a test or something he dosnt let me on for like a whole fuckin week and in the summer he cut down my time for 3 hours a day which isnt as bad as you but he got me so fuckin pissed off.....well