V: Here. You got funny links egyptian

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V: Here. You got Gabriel's body? D: Got it here. Daniel taps his egyptian palm egyptian on a coffin where Gabriel is lying in. They were staying at a dark, old looking attic room. Vaughn scans the egyptian pages of the old, dusty spell book in Russian words and some English ones. D: Could you hurry up? I'm getting bored. V: Wait your ass off, please. Ahh, here it is. Vaughn stops to a page. As he looks at the top of it, it says " Vozrodivshijs'a Period" or The Reviving Spell. He reads the instructions while Daniel sneezes because of the dust floating around. D: Stupid, fucking dust.. Fucking cold..*sneezes* V: If Father hadn't told us that i should help you, you wouldn't succeed in bringing back Gabriel.
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