arabian, album (music), prince charles, comedies & family ent., writing, and the space between black and white., guzman, donna holgate, gary gilbert, movies, band buddy icons, armando riesco,, list of films, scott walker (ix), weblog, robert j. steinmiller jr., iran, tommylasorda, sudan, craigs list,
who freemp3s blah blah blah blah would help me.. not so much help blah blah blah blah me but .. can't think of a word to describe it. END SCROLL RIGHT ABOUT HERE: I've read OJ Simpson's "I Did It" note over and over at least 14.7 times this week.. and I can relate.. I can definitely relate.. a lot of us can right. I don't understand why people are sometimes so nice to me... out of nowhere.. freemp3s it sucks because they don't know that I can see freemp3s so fucking clearly through them... man my eyes are sharp like a mother fucking bald american fucking eagle, seeing right through your glass ass. it wasnt homicide. He would never kill his wife. (I'm getting goosebumps....on my balls) maybe its his way of letting me know that she's still with us, all of us. WOW I wish I could meet OJ. You know if the movie the sandlot.. when Benny has that dream with Babe Ruth.. I want that to happen. I don't know how to end this entry.. maybe its because theres so much more that I want to say but I don't feel like letting you know about it...