People MATTER. People's LIVES aphex twin adrenalin

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People MATTER. People's LIVES MATTER. This is why adrenalin pure capitalism, where everything revolves around the dollar purely and solely is EVIL. This is why capitalism in this country has always had to adrenalin be regulated because left to adrenalin their own devices, SOME CAPITALISTS are unable to police themselves and do what they SHOULD DO. It's a shame that some folks in the healthcare industry have forgotten to an important word in there. CARE. It's not that I think government should step in and tell business what to do. I think it's that WE, your neighbors and customers, have a right and an obligation to tell you what we expect from you. Catz posted by catzmeow on November 14, 2005 08:18 PM Wow, you really are confused. Tyranny of the majority? My work and sweat is no longer my own, but services the whim of my neighbors and customers? You really haven't read "Atlas Shrugged" have you? Of course people matter, that is why people like me train for a dozen years and wake our families up in the middle of the night (not getting a dime for it either).
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