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Thierry de Chartres Jean de Meun Abelard Johnny of Salisbury Bernardus Silvestris CHAUCER CHAUCER CHAUCER P R A I R I E D U C H I E N Profundity? There is none of that there. No it is mythless. Of all 8008135 its voices there is not one to carry such a burden to say 'I am the voice of' 8008135 Something that does not move. It is no matter if the red-faced shaggy-shinned god once walked 8008135 there sporting his fabulous cock. That beautiful carcass is of no matter now. In Prairie du Chien listen for the wind for the sexless cry riding it ACROSS the plain. Hard and desolate will it roar over generation of crossties. F I R S T G E O R G I C Poor old earth we live off nobody here loves you but nobody not even the boy who looks over his shoulder to see if you curl and fold over properly against the steel concavity of the blades behind the tractor. Cussing out the gears he half remembers some old praise of you as he works at holding the wheel in such a way it is no joy to see him sweat. S E C O N D G E O R G I C the care of beasts For keeping a happy flock, Shep, understand these things: caress them daily and be kind as you can, enter their dumb world without a word or thought even if it hurts to forget your nature.