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Carlito: Yeah. Pachanga: Lalin is here... in the office. Carlito: Lalin? Pachanga: Yeah, you wanna see him? Carlito: You told me he was doin' thirty years! Pachanga: Well, I guess he got out, you know. lalin.wav (224 kb) Lalin: I mean, look at me! You got everything, man. I mean... come on! Look what I got to... fuckin' go around with... fuckin' diapers, man. I got fuckin' diapers! I quizzes shit in my pants every day, I can't walk, I can't hump... you know! Go ahead and kill me, you cocksucker! quizzes laydown.wav (130 kb) Carlito: quizzes Sorry boys, all the stitches in the world can't sew me together again. Lay down... lay down. legend.wav (70 kb) Carlito: They ain't gonna know me. Guajiro: You?! You're a fuckin' legend, man! Come on... lime.wav (86 kb) Tony T.: The guys, the guns, the lime pit is already dug, you understand what I'm sayin'?