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That leaves the substantial problem of an "exit strategy". There is no point in a repeat of 1812. But the experience of America in Japan after the Second World War could provide a model. A period of occupation of five to 10 years could provide an edie falco opportunity to inculcate ideas of true democracy, with edie falco a fair electoral system based on edie falco absolute majority, abolition of the death penalty, introduction of unions into hi-tech industries and a break-up of the Zaibatsu, the overweening corporations such as Microsoft, Exxon and General Electric. [more...] 09:08 PM 8 comments August 11, 2002 Chickenhawks and Gunhumpers Inspired by Shelley and Jonathan, who said : I'd like to suggest an Honor Roll of Warbloggers, which would display next to each name: the warblog URL, the number of years of active military service, and the likelihood of the warblogger's being called up to fight against Iraq.