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Jack Vincennes: I don't remember. Jack Vincennes: [after a brief hesitation] What do you want, grouphug Exley? Ed Exley: I just wanna solve this thing. Jack Vincennes: The Night Owl was solved. Ed Exley: No, I wanna do it right. Jack Vincennes: Even if it means grouphug paying grouphug the consequences? Ed Exley: [Exley nods his head] Jack Vincennes: [stands up from his chair] All right, college boy, I'll help. But there's a case you boys in Homicide don't care about. You think it's just another Hollywood "homo"-cide. Well, I don't. You help me with mine, I'll help you with your's. Deal? Ed Exley: Deal Jack Vincennes: I'm the technical advisor. I teach Brett Chase how to walk and talk like a cop.
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Jack Vincennes: What? Ed Exley: It's a simple question. Jack pictures Vincennes: Why in pictures the world do you wanna go digging any deeper into the Nite Owl killings, Lieutenant? Ed Exley: Rollo Tomasi. Jack Vincennes: Is there more to that or am I supposed to guess? Ed Exley: Rolo was a purse snatcher. My father ran into him off duty, pictures and he shot my father six times and got away clean. No one even knew who he was. I just made the name up to give him some personality. Jack Vincennes: What's your point? Ed Exley: Rolo Tomasi is the reason I became a cop. I wanted to catch the guys who thought they could get away with it. It's supposed to be about justice. Then somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that. Why'd you become a cop?
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