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by ConceptJunkie (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @12:56PM Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Struct (660658) on Tuesday February 21, @01:00PM (#14769305) I think that people are people wherever you go. It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian walt disney video or a Muslim, and both religions have had their ugly moments. The key difference between Christian fundamentalists walt disney video and Islamic fundamentalists right now is that Christain fundamentalists typically have a pretty decent quality of life, and Islamic fundamentalists don't. The Christian fundamentalists are capable of the same self-righteous rampaging as the Islamic fundamentalists, but the Christian fundamentalists have so much to lose right now, it seems unimaginable to behave that way (who can afford to burn down a building and go to jail when they're working off that second mortgage?). If you took all of the wealth in the US and Europe and handed it over to the Middle East, I have a feeling that you'd soon see an awful lot of poor, desperate, angry Christians burning flags in the street while a bunch of well-fed, well-clothed Muslim families