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Anyway, we're get to the station and we're waiting for the guy. I'm carrying the weed in one of those little carry-on bags. I got to take a piss. So I tell the connection I'll be right back, game I'm going to the boys' room. So I game walk in the mens' room, and who's standing there? Four Los Angeles county sheriffs and a German shepherd. Nice Guy Eddie: They're waiting for you? Mr. Orange: No, they're just a bunch of cops hanging out in the men's room, talking. When I walked through the door, they all game stopped what they were talking about and they looked at me. Mr. White: [laughs] That's hard, man. That's a fucking hard situation. Mr. Orange: German shepherd starts barking. He's barking at me. I mean, it's obvious. He's barking at me. Every nerve-ending, all my senses, blood in my veins, everything I have is screaming, "Take off, man! Just bail, just get the fuck out of there!" Panic hits me like a bucket of water.