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Mr. Blonde: Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, relationship to torture a cop. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do relationship is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get. [He removes his razor] relationship Mr. Blonde: You ever listen to K-Billy's "Super Sounds of the Seventies" weekend? It's my personal favorite. Mr. White: If you shoot this man, you die next. Repeat. If you shoot this man, you die next. Mr. Brown: O.K., let me tell you what Like a Virgin's about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine, I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. Mr. Blue: How many dicks is that?