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A lot of guys are into their polar opposites: Some muscular guys are into heavy guys; some punk fags mp3 discoteche dig corporate types; and some bears live to maul mp3 discoteche twinks. On my recent book tour I met one mp3 discoteche of these guys: Mark, a skinny, tattooed punk-rocker type. He's been with William, a clean-cut corporate-lawyer type, for four years. Opposites attracted, but at the beginning Mark's punk friends gave him grief about his being with a clean-cut guy like William. "What could be more punk," Mark told his friends, "than a guy like me making a guy like him lick my come up off the floor?" Only one thing, Mark: sending a guy like me some videotape. So if some bears are into skinny guys, WITD, how come you've been made to feel unwelcome at bear venues? Because bear culture-a phrase I'm using under duress-has shown itself to be just as susceptible to the body-image fascism that its earliest adherents claimed to be rebelling against. Bear culture quickly moved from rejecting the notion that there should be one standard of gay male beauty-hairless, flat-tummied twinks-to enforcing its own monolithic standard of gay male beauty-fat-bellied, hair-covered bears.
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