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(574)722-9781 2014 chase rd logenspori In.46947 ok well i do hav ebelefs in the kkk belefs because thats my famley trudishon in band fonts some way we do go to exstreem and out of hand but for the most part band fonts the blacks have ther gangs the whites have theres and the mexicans have theeres dont blame all of it on the kkk all race is to blame add your comments I beleve band fonts in the kkk belefs by Falen Cason • Monday December 19, 2005 at 02:55 PM (574)722-9781 2014 chase rd logenspori In.46947 the kkk hase every wright to do what thay do for the simpl fact every other race dose it and so I do belev and yes. add your comments I beleve in the kkk belefs by Falen Cason • Monday December 19, 2005 at 02:55 PM (574)722-9781 2014 chase rd logenspori In.46947 the kkk hase every wright to do what thay do for the simpl fact every other race dose it and so I do belev and yes.