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Maybe His Majesty needs to become a Catholic. Update: With His Majesty’s permission, we’d like to add this translation handy little link for additional Historical ClueClubbing™ dhimmi LefTard apologistas.—B. Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I @ 12:35 pm | Plink | Trackback | 46 Comments » Filed under: Good News Curse of the Irish Dead Pool(Crossposted at Imperial Rebbe Laurence’s Dead Pool, in which His Majesty is translation a proud participant) I had high hopes, as I do every St. Paddy’s day, that this would be the one where Fat Ted translation “Swimmer” Kennedy would finally find the keys to the Oldsmobile Express to Hell at the bottom of a bottle. As always, my pious hopes were brutally dashed against the jagged rocks of outrageous fortune. But I found a reason to dislike the Irish, and no day is ever wasted in which I find yet another group of people to be pissed of with, so it wasn’t a total waste. The bulk of Irish folks are concentrated in one corner of America.