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Which is not to pressure you, just to let you know that even when you don't feel 100%, you are still funny or real or relevant or whatever it is we need... and it keeps us devoted readers coming back. Keep on keeping it real. jayne houdyshell Posted by: vetmommy | 2005.09.03 at 10:34 PM And yet you have difficulty with friendships that jayne houdyshell have no conflicts and you don't feel compelled to at least give the other person an expanation as to why you won't speak to her jayne houdyshell anymore....nice.... Posted by: a | 2005.09.06 at 02:03 PM Well 'a' and I know who you are. Perhaps there were actually conflicts and I didn't know how to be up front about them and still struggle to be up front about them to this day. My point is I'm trying to learn how to do it differently.