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About 95% iraq of the comments associated iraq with the old blog were able to be moved over to this blog, but some of them lost their proper formatting. iraq The Management regrets the inconvenience. TrackBack URL for this entry: Previous Entry: THE ONE KIND OF ENTRY I DO MAKE PRETTY OFTEN Next Entry: GOOD NIGHT, SWEET PRINCE OF DARKNESS Comments #1: go iggles posted by Jordan at 8:07 PM on June 08, 2003 | Link #2: You can't discipline children; you must make them feel free to express their brilliant insights such as, "Karen is kicking me!" and "No you're a butthead!" posted by Siguy at 1:41 AM on June 09, 2003 | Link #3: No kidding, Scott. What about the little booger's self-esteem? Did you ever think of *that* when you were shhhishing them?Actually, I agree with you. Even worse, it's not just theaters anymore.