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Holdaway is watching edie falco and listening.) Then got to be a pain in the ass. People called me on the phone all the fucking time. I couldn't even rent a fucking tape without six fucking phone calls interrupting me. "Hey - When's the next time you're getting some?" edie falco "Motherfucker. I'm trying to watch the Lost Boys, you know. When I get some, I'll let you know." Then these rink-a-dink pot heads come by-- they're my friends and everything, but still, you know-- I've got all my shit laid out in $60 bags. They don't want $60 worth. They edie falco want $10 worth. To break it up is a major fuckin pain in the ass. I don't even know what $10 worth looks like. (Mr Orange is now telling his story in a club, to Joe, Mr White and Eddie) This is a very weird situation. 'Cos I don't know if you remember back in '86 there was a major fucking drought. Nobody had anything. People were living on resin-- smoking the wood in their pipes for months. This chick had a bunch. And she's begging me to sell it.