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mikesappartment , evening post, baseball, the u.s., milf hunter chelsea , child abuse victims, milf hunter trailers , realbuts , stuff, milf hunter sex , illinois, Five other men convicted of the same crime were removed to Mexico Jan. 12. They were Dionicio Gutierrez-Franco, 23; Miguel Angel Gutierrez-Franco, non nude 19; Jaime Mendoza-Reyes, non nude 29; Ricardo Sandoval-Maldonado, 32; and Catalino Silva-Mendoza, 27. The tenth man convicted of participating in the same prostitution, Jose Nieto-Herrera, 25, was deported to Mexico in October. Today's removals are non nude part of Operation Predator, a nationwide ICE initiative designed to protect children from sexual predators, including those who travel overseas for sex with minors, Internet child pornographers, criminal alien sex offenders, and child sex traffickers. Since Operation Predator was launched in July 2003, ICE agents in Minnesota have arrested more than 130 alleged and convicted sexual predators to date, making it among the top ten states nationwide for apprehensions.
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“Criminal aliens who take advantage of the most milf hunter chelsea vulnerable among us are at the top of our list for apprehension and removal.” Cangemi oversees the enforcement of immigration and customs laws for a five-state area that includes Minnesota. These last four men were convicted Thursday and Monday in Mower County milf hunter chelsea District Court of engaging in prostitution with a minor, sentenced to 18 months in prison, and milf hunter chelsea turned over to ICE for removal. All four were also required to register as sex offenders. The four men deported to Mexico today were Reymundo Ortiz-Garcia, 21; Antonio Rojas-Ortiz, 27; Felix Sandoval-Barrios, 30; and Luis Vasquez-Maldonado, 29. All had been illegally living and working in Austin under false identities, and had used fraudulent U.S. birth certificates and phony Social Security cards.
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