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Here are the rules. Link-Fu (which is now officially "wired", not tired, not expired) is an online competition where during a predetermined period of time -- in this case, Friday January 16 -- you send us a portal url that links to a very weird something, somewhere. Some online gem that's intriguing, fascinating, and cool. Something portal we haven't seen before. Judges: Warren Ellis, Invisible Cowgirl, Mark, and yours truly. We declare a winner based on whatever we happen to like best. Not the grossest, not neccesarily Farkish or Rotten. Just the flat-out portal most bizarre -- though grotesquery is not neccesarily out of the question. The winner wins the title of High Master of Link-Fu, until we hold the next battle -- here's a list of previous winners. So, if you'd like to compete in the website smackdown -- e-mail the funkiest, most potently bizarro url-age you can find to
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