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DVD CCA sued Bunner along with hundreds of people, including some T-shirt manufacturers. Link posted by Cory Doctorow at 01:33:10 PM permalink | Other blogs' comments Robot imagery gallery Nice little gallery of images of robots from album covers, advertising, funnybooks and stock photos. Link (Thanks, Zed!) posted bible by Cory Doctorow at 12:10:37 PM permalink | Other blogs' comments Creative Labs' loss-leading 4GB drive Creative Labs sells its Muvo2 4GB music player for $299, bible and includes a 4GB Microdrive, an item that retails on its own for $499. bible Here are step-by-step instructions for removing the Microdrive (which isn't soldered on), so that you can install it in another device, such as a digital camera. Also included are instructions for installing a cheaper 1GB drive in the Muvo2, so that you end up with a functional music-player when you're done as well. Link (via Gizmodo) posted by Cory Doctorow at 11:40:31 AM permalink | Other blogs' comments Milne heirs don't own Pooh AA Milne's granddaughter has had her bid to recapture the licensing rights to Winnie the Pooh denied by a UK court.
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