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Social networks are not just a product of technologists. Everyone has a social network and what they do with it is quite diverse. To demand that they behave by the norms of technologists is horrifying. 2) Are trustworthy, cool, and sexy the only ways that i might classify my friends? (Even Orkut lists a lot more in his definition of self.) And since when can i sex woman and guys pictures rate sex woman and guys pictures the people that i know based on this kind of metric? And goddamnit CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT. Cool as a sex woman and guys pictures techy? Cool as a party kid? Trustworthy along what fucking axes? Link posted by Cory Doctorow at 08:52:12 AM permalink | Other blogs' comments Impending totalitarianism Bruce Schneier's latest op-ed on the impending police-state is chilling as hell.
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