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John Rumsey, Rownhams, Hants "The only reason violent and sexually motivated criminals like Iorworth Hoare are released early is because of money and money alone and too often these same deviants re-offend and frankly the scandalous early release scheme has to be abolished. What’s more why not go the whole hog and go out and animal woman sex nab all those already out and ruin their freedom before they have the chance to do it to others because that would be priceless." Victoria Warren animal woman sex Wigan "Your animal woman sex headlines, 'Monsters on our streets' and 'Murdered by Home Office', summed up the dangerously flawed Parole system perfectly. Crack addicts, rapists and killers are among those routinely released early, with disastrous and tragic consequences. When will the Parole Board learn from their mistakes. Even more so, when will they become accountable for these mistakes.
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