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Is this fair? Talk about it. (Moderated) It is the teacher who is placed in a position of authority and responsibility!! If they are being manipulated by a 14 yr old to have sex, they sure should'nt be teaching!! There is NO EXCUSE for a 30 yr old teacher having sex with men having sex with woman a 14 yr old!!! Submitted by: John 12:53 PM EST, Mar 11, 2006 Read more comments or post your own ADVERTISEMENTS Dang Van Dinh, a male chemistry teacher at Orlando's Boone High School, was ordered to prison for five years for having sex with a men having sex with woman 15-year-old girl. But Debra Lafave, a female teacher who had sex with a 14-year-old student in suburban Tampa, was merely placed on house arrest for her crime. Dinh and Lafave were both in the news this week, calling attention to their contrasting punishments. It's a familiar pattern, according to a national expert on classroom sexual abuse: Female teachers who sexually abuse students get far less punishment than male teachers who do the same thing.
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