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We just throw everything wordssong lyrics 2pac they tryna murder me unknown away, and they drive it up to the Prison and make the prisoners dig through it. As a result of this, my wordssong lyrics 2pac they tryna murder me unknown mom will never throw anything away with her name on it, since she's convinced one of wordssong lyrics 2pac they tryna murder me unknown the prisoners will steal her identity. I try to explain to her that not only are the odds of someone choosing her identity to steal are slim on their own, if someone is going to try to steal an identity they're probably not going to pick someone in the lower middle class. Still, she insists on cutting up everything, down to the address tags on every piece of mail we get. So most of those pieces of paper there are old pieces of junk mail she won't throw away. She originally used to go through and cut it up every couple of weeks, but now I think we have a few years built up.The dishwasher. That jack-o-lantern bucket's a recent addition, but I don't expect it to be going anywhere anytime soon.