A. my people celebrate open mike 1981 in sports

guinevere, seth green, anonymous, phil bonyata, salt lake city, oliver stone, 1981 in sports, jesus, sean daley, ringtones, kevin spacey, but we got cold feet. those dudes are all about money and brainwashing. i can't speak for rage but i believe that god is an unfathomable force of love and cosmic open mike sadness Q. open mike If you guys ever got bored with your open mike usual routine during a tour, would you ever suddenly do a complete 180 (like, for instance do a Cirque de Soleil-esque, completely choreographed show or an entire show full of Meatloaf covers?) A. that sounds dangerous. i don't think we're insured for that type of jackassery Q. Got a question for the D. My girlfriend and I recently moved into a duplex just outside city limits here in Carbondale, Illinois. We thought "Nice place, sweet!" We move in and a few weeks later, it rains for the first time.
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A. my people celebrate chanukah. and i don't like cards anyway Q. Hey dude...what's YOUR favorite pos-ish? A. i like to mix it up. nothing too atheletic. you know...mission,doggy,ridem' cowboy Q. I recently 1981 in sports acquired a produced cut of "Jesus Ranch" complete with drums. How come it's not on the CD? Tell me why, tell me sweet little why... A. it just didn't 1981 in sports cut the mustard Q. What are The D's religious beliefs? I mean, 1981 in sports we all know that The D is God, so we can just move that aside, but what do Kage and Jables have to say on the sub'? I seem to notice a recurring Dianetics theme in those rocket sauce and satan fueled jean creamers they call songs. Is that JB's thing? Is the "D" stand for Tenacious Dianetics? Did Rage Kage and Hollywood Jack attend the premier of Battlefield Earth? A.no, but we infiltrated the scientology celebritty center (a fact gathering research mission) in the hopes of doing a loosely based cult episode.
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