Excuse me! EXCUSE ME! videos rap

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Excuse me! EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE rap ME! [stunned silence by all] Lloyd: If you don't mind, the "corpse" *STILL* rap has the floor! Gus: Look kid... what I do, running around, stealing stuff, may sound great when you're fourteen years old, but it sucks just a little bit when you're thirty-five. No house. No family. I got a partner who's fifty... he still can't understand why they took "Happy Days" off the air. Rose: Sounds too sweet! Caroline: Then don't eat it! (Throws pie down on the table) Gus: Sit down Connie. Connie Chasseur: Excuse me, but rap I am not one of your patients. Gus: You're gonna be somebody's patient if you don't get your ass back down in that chair. John Chasseur: Wow! Gus: I swear to God, you hit that kid one more time and I will stik that pig's head right up your ass! Connie Chasseur: Gary, are you gonna let him talk to me like that?
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