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No kills - Kill DarkOne Heart to Heart Something happened I never thought would happen. I had a southeast suburbs heart to heart with my older sister... we've hated eachother our whole lifes. shes always hated me because i'm southeast suburbs taller then her and we look like twins and shes 2 years older southeast suburbs then me. I've hated her because of how shes treated me. now finally we are getting along no longer chasing eachother with knives and other devices to kill eachother. we're finally talking to eachother and relizing we were jelous of eachother for no reason because we both had it hard. We are so much more alike then we knew.... not only do we look alike we think alike. No kills - Kill DarkOne 100 Yes's or 100 No's You are NOT allowed to explain anything. ONLY answer "yes" or "no" 1. Slept naked? y 2. Taken a shower with someone?