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On (page 80) puff daddy is found: ["the sister fucking British-shits"]. The word [Fucking] used in his book fifty-two (52) times. It describes Margaret Thatcher as a [Bitch], he also mocks her name by using the word [Toicher] instead of her name Thatcher. He was also conspiring to have one night of love with the Queen of England. A retired employee at Buckingham Palace wrote a book entitled "Officially Speaking." About the goings on in the Royal precincts. About drunken orgies and sexual frolics among the Royalty. The publication of this piece of Royal gossip has rightly been suppressed puff daddy by Mrs. puff daddy Thatcher's government. Amazing England! Rushdie prevails where a blue blooded Englishman fails. Thanks to Maggie and her British votaries of free speech.  A more extensive collection is available in the "The Satanic Verses unexpurgated".
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