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How to Learn xeyes Swedish in 1000 Difficult Lessons - A gay couple coping with foreign languages. HR Lady - More light reading and total madness. It Always Rains in Wales - Brought to you from Wales. John Strain xeyes - Sense and sensibility with a touch xeyes of sparkle. Jonny B's private secret diary - Life. In Norfolk. Kaliyuga Kronicles - He claims to be witty, urbane and handsome. Kat's Stuff - Amusing stories from the other side of The Pond. (The) King's Blog - A bunch of nutters from Kingsley. Kitchentable - A bloke and his life. Life in Exile - The life of an American family who left the US to live in Qatar. An excellent blog. Life is a Pig! - Life after 50. Little Boy - A blog, entirely in haiku. Little.Red.Boat - A simple blog that captures each moment perfectly. Lisa and Cameron - They're back in England.