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Chris "Oz" 1954 in sports Ostreicher: You came to see me in action? Jim: Yeah man, I thought you sounded really good! Steve Stifler: Yeah man, I think you need your balls reattached! Victoria 'Vicky': I want it to be the 1954 in sports right time, the right place... Jessica: It's not a space shuttle launch, it's SEX. Jim: Guys, uh, what 1954 in sports exactly does third base feel like? Kevin: You want to take this one? Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: Like warm apple pie. Jim: Yeah? Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: Yeah. Jim: Apple pie, huh? Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: Uh huh. Jim: McDonald's or homemade? Jim's Dad: I have to admit, you know, I did the fair bit of [hesitates] Jim's Dad: masturbating when I was a little younger.
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