Archive 2005 October Thursday, arab band fonts

1978 in sports, gawain, standupny, stand up ny, hbo, sumerian, album (music), bisexual, wordssong lyrics mannie fresh pussy power unknown, wordssong lyrics 2pac i'm losin it r u still down? (remember me), feature film action/adventure, glynis johns, eddie j. fernandez, band fonts, alameida, ime etuk, art, sudan, merlin, classifieds, Pink should die! If youy like pink and your starting to hate me, KISS MY ARSE! So my mom comes in and startes talking and sees my computer arab where I was reading a Harry Potter quiz arab a moment ago. arab Mom: This si where she spends most of her time. What do you do really? Do people give you characters and then you what? I was so close to murdering her right then and there. My freakin god can't trust her as far as you can thrown her piece of crap should go to h*&& mother just comes in there and thinks she knows what the crap is going on in my life! Like she actually knows me or cares abput me in anyway. She still thinks I'm five years old the way she acts."Oh, honey how was school? what have you been doing lately? Did you have a good day?" Me:*thinking* what do you care b*^&#?
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Archive 2005 October Thursday, October 13, 2005 I can't stand my mother! | 01:29:07 PM PST Okay. So I;m in my room minding ym won businees when MOM*says "mom" like it means satan* pops in and says "oh,___(I'm noit stupid enough to band fonts put my real name) Mrs. K our old neighbor is here to see the house. Can you starighten up your room so she band fonts can see it?" Me:sure... Mom:okay. Amnd she opps out so I clean up a little. my room wasn't band fonts that messy and then she comes in with Mrs. K. Mrs. K: oh this is a nice room. Big. Do you like your closet?( my Closet is HUGE!) Me:Yeah. I really like it. But my rom is pink*shudder* Mrs. K :i'm not much of a pink person myself. i nod. I like black.
wordssong lyrics 50 cent that's what's up feat_ g unit guess who's back?, troy kennedy martin, wordssong lyrics limp bizkit fast way unknown, punkrock
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