east denver, saudi arabian, 1998, jerry gardner, mac donalds, aesthetics, what'sin a name?, open mike night, raymond j. barry, javascript, southeast suburbs, rock, lyle, group hug, themarshall mathers lp, smog, judy davis, nona gaye,
If you see blink 182 neither it's probably because you're wearing the blink 182 wrong type of hat which disables you from looking upwards. If you're not wearing a hat and you can't see the sky it probably means that you're gay or have blink 182 cancer - or genital herpes. If you do in fact have genital herpes I am genuinely sorry for you, but I'd rather you'd not smother your genitals into my face. In spain we specialise in selling "Ñ" buttons for the keyboard, we don't export kiwi juice and it is forbidden to bear the name "Harrold" on one of your white t-shirts. And that my friends, is what Spain is all about. Q: Hello, how are you? A: I'm absolutely terrible I'm afraid. You see, I've been cutting myself constantly with the edge of a Mars Bar wrapper. The stress of everyday life has vanquished my thirst for living. Like for example - the other day I was walking down the street and I saw a Friends DVD I really wanted, but I did not have enough money in my wallet. I felt like running into some oncoming traffic.