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Wouldn't want to be ya! --F train Queer: He totally has to understand that he's crazy and that those Martha Stewart people are crazy too! --27th street office Crazy lady: Well, I think you should give me my musical instruments back because I know that you've been stealing them every day lust for the last nine years. Yes, I'm sure! I have proof. You see, that's not music. lust That's not rock and lust roll. That's just crazy. --Bedford Avenue station Overheard by: Greg Rutter Crazy man: I already told you I don't have no chicken. Besides, I gave you that tree last week. --54th & 11th Crazy woman: I've got demons behind me, shit next to me, and the ugly ones in front of me. I need an angel above me. --World Financial Center Overheard by: Dr. Ballon Crazy bag lady: Stay away from the people! Stay away from the idiot Mexicans! --Union Square Overheard by: Kaitlen Suit: ...and I swear to God, man, the whole time?