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3. $14 Billion requested over 30 years for marshland restoration. Bush cut back to $2 Billion over 10 years. E. Failure in FEMA planning. 1. Partly due to incompetence. 2. Partly due to reorganization woes after 9/11. Focus shifted to terrorist attacks, natural disaster releif de-emphasised. 3. mother in law fucking FEMA incorporated into DHS, adding to beareaucratic red tape. F. Louisiana National Guard in Iraq fighting war - unavailable for Katrina Disaster. G. New Orleans population one of poorest in country. 1. 68% Black. 2. Many did not have means to leave city, did not own cars, etc. mother in law fucking H. Many people mother in law fucking decided to ride hurricane out even though they had means to leave city. Did not understand magnitude of storm. I. Failure to plan on part of state and local government. 1. This disaster was long considered an imminent threat.