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Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before older men sex pics God I older men sex pics swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters older men sex pics of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Chanting] This is my rifle. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Grabbing their crotches] This is my gun. Marines: This is for fighting. Marines: [Grabbing their crotches] This is for fun. Private Cowboy: Tough break for Hand Job. He was all set to get shipped out on a medical. Private Joker: What was the matter with him? Private Cowboy: He was jerkin' off ten times a day. Private Eightball: No shit.