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Kovic: gothic pictures People say that if you don't love America, then get the hell out. Well, I love America.Ron Kovic: They burned the flag and they demonstrated against us; it's on the cover of the paper today. They have no respect. They have no idea what's gothic pictures going on over there, Mom -- the men that are sacrificing their lives. People are dying every gothic pictures day over there, and nobody back here even seems to care. It's a bunch of goddamn shit if you ask me!Mrs. Kovic: Ronnie, don't take the Lord's name in vain -- not in front of the children. I agree with everything you say!Ron Kovic: I served my country -- and they just want to take from it -- just take, take! Love it or leave it, that's what I Ron KovicRon Kovic: When I was in the hospital, I thought, yeah -- yeah, this makes sense.Timmy