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by ConceptJunkie (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @12:56PM Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Struct (660658) on Tuesday February 21, @01:00PM (#14769305) I think that people are people wherever you go. It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, and both religions have had their ugly moments. The key difference between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists right now is that Christain fundamentalists typically have a pretty decent quality melinda renna of life, and Islamic melinda renna fundamentalists don't. The Christian fundamentalists are capable of melinda renna the same self-righteous rampaging as the Islamic fundamentalists, but the Christian fundamentalists have so much to lose right now, it seems unimaginable to behave that way (who can afford to burn down a building and go to jail when they're working off that second mortgage?).