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Bill Foster: Where are your pills? [Frank points towards the cart, which has just plunged into a 1981 in sports water hazard] Bill Foster: Bad news. Your little car's gonna drown. And you're 1981 in sports gonna die, wearing that stupid 1981 in sports hat. How does it feel? [Bill Foster approaches the gang after they crashed] Bill Foster: You missed. [Foster picks up the UZI and shots to the car] Bill Foster: I missed too. [Foster threatens the gang member as he begs for his life. Foster shoots him in the leg] Bill Foster: You see? That's the concept [Picks up the gym bag with the guns] Bill Foster: Take some shooting lessons, asshole Nick, Surplus Store Owner: [after one of the homosexuals tips over a sunglass rack on Nick's counter, then leaves] FUCKING FAGGOTS! YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT? Jesus! Positive lifestyle, my ass! Imagine what those pumpkins do with each other when they're alone!
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