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They put this dog in a large cage... that they had wired so that every time... the dog stepped on one side of the cage... it would get an electrical shock. The dog learned right away... to stay on the other side of the cage. And then when it had gotten used to living... on that side of the cage. They rewired it... so that the cage would give the get down on your mother fucking knees dog an electrical shock... on the side it had learned to stay on. The dog figured this out right away... and get down on your mother fucking knees changed back to the other side get down on your mother fucking knees of the cage. But then the scientists wired the entire floor of the cage... to give random shocks... so that no matter where the dog lay down... it would eventually get a shock. And the dog acted confused at first. And then it panicked... Crying and going crazy. And eventually. It just gave up... and quit trying to figure it out or get away. It just laid down... and took the electrical shocks as they would come.